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Turn Your Pipeline Into Profits
Prospects Want to Believe You
If the promise of your product is true--you've got the antidote for what pains your prospects. Deliver the right message the right way and you'll nudge them into the buyer's column.
Words That Make Millions

I’ve helped my clients make millions of dollars through my content marketing system, automated messaging, and consulting.
The companies I work with are successful, but they share a similar problem: their “ship” has too many leaks. I help businesses plug these leaks through direct response sales messaging delivered via email, bot, and SMS automation.
Below is a list of services that can help your business, regardless of budget.
Book Funnels
If you have a list or other traffic sources, a book funnel makes it easy to sell your books and your back-end offers while they're in a buying frenzy. If you're an author who wants to make the most of your efforts, get in touch and we'll talk about whether a book funnel would work for you.
Personal Coaching
Personalized help to maximize your business. Identify your missed revenue opportunities; help your team create money magnet campaigns; get a second set of eyes to keep your company's marketing on track. This is the only way to get me on your team.
Done-For-You Email
If you know you need quality email copy to put conversions on autopilot, but want to make sure you get it done right from a writer with demonstrated success, this is for you. Whether you're trying to fill an event, get an appointment, or sell a product, we've got you covered.
Done-For-You Sales Copy
Sales messaging is applied psychology, and done right it can create financial windfalls for your company. Whether you need to script a video sales letter, webinar script, landing page, or a traditional sales letter, we can write you copy that sells.
Whether you want for done-for-you services or online training, click the button below to answer a couple questions, and I'll reach out with next steps if I think I can help you.